Growth Roadmap for Contributors at BoardX: An AI Platform Startup Shaping the Future of Work

Growth Roadmap for Contributors at BoardX: An AI Platform Startup Shaping the Future of Work


As BoardX positions itself as a trailblazer in the AI-driven future of work, defining a structured growth roadmap for contributors is imperative. This roadmap not only ensures that contributors are aligned with the company’s vision but also facilitates their professional development within the startup ecosystem. The BoardX Contributors Growth Model and Path provides a comprehensive guide to achieving this balance.

The BoardX Contributors Growth Model

The model delineates contributors' progression based on two primary axes: Skill Level and Commitment. Each quadrant within the model represents different stages and types of contributions, allowing for a clear understanding of growth paths.

Skill Level

  • Higher Skill for the Growth of BoardX: This axis measures the proficiency and expertise of contributors in relevant domains that significantly impact BoardX’s growth.
  • Lower Skill for the Growth of BoardX: This axis includes contributors who are in early stages of acquiring the necessary skills or those whose existing skills have less direct impact on BoardX’s immediate growth.


  • Higher Commitment: This signifies contributors who are investing a substantial amount of time and energy (up to 60 hours) into BoardX.
  • Lower Commitment: This represents contributors who are either part-time or spending minimal hours (around 1 hour) on BoardX activities.

Quadrants and Contributor Pathways

The model is divided into four quadrants, each representing different combinations of skill and commitment. The following is a detailed breakdown:

  1. Quadrant I (Higher Skill, Higher Commitment):
    • Positions: 1, 2, 3, 4
    • Description: Contributors in this quadrant are highly skilled and deeply committed. They are the driving force behind BoardX’s strategic initiatives and innovation.
    • Path: These contributors are likely to take on leadership roles, mentor other contributors, and spearhead key projects.
  2. Quadrant II (Lower Skill, Higher Commitment):
    • Positions: 9, 10, 11, 12
    • Description: These individuals show strong commitment but are still developing the necessary skills.
    • Path: With structured training and mentorship, they can transition to Quadrant I, contributing significantly to BoardX’s growth.
  3. Quadrant III (Higher Skill, Lower Commitment):
    • Positions: 5, 6, 7, 8
    • Description: Highly skilled but with limited time commitment, these contributors can provide valuable input on specific tasks or projects.
    • Path: Encouraging increased engagement and identifying flexible collaboration opportunities can help elevate their commitment.
  4. Quadrant IV (Lower Skill, Lower Commitment):
    • Positions: 13, 14, 15, 16
    • Description: These contributors are in the initial stages of both skill acquisition and engagement.
    • Path: Focus on foundational training and gradual increase in involvement to move towards higher quadrants.

Implementation Strategies

To effectively utilize this growth model, BoardX can implement the following strategies:

  1. Tailored Training Programs: Develop training modules specific to the needs of each quadrant to ensure skill enhancement and alignment with BoardX’s goals.
  2. Mentorship and Peer Learning: Establish a mentoring system where experienced contributors from Quadrant I guide those in Quadrants II and IV.
  3. Flexible Engagement Models: Create opportunities for contributors in Quadrant III to engage more deeply through short-term projects or advisory roles.
  4. Regular Feedback Loops: Implement regular feedback mechanisms to assess progress and adapt growth strategies accordingly.

Success Stories to Inspire

Example 1: The Founder’s Journey

  • Starting Point: At position 14, the founder started with part-time involvement in BoardX while learning the necessary skills.
  • Challenge: Realized that part-time commitment wasn’t sufficient to make significant progress.
  • Action: Quit full-time job to fully commit to BoardX, allowing for a faster learning pace.
  • Outcome: After three years of dedicated learning and hard work, the founder is now at position 2, contributing significantly to the company's strategic initiatives.

Example 2: The Newcomer’s Path

  • Starting Point: A new contributor began at position 15 with minimal skills and commitment.
  • Challenge: Struggled to balance time between other commitments and BoardX.
  • Action: Gradually increased involvement by dedicating more hours each week and actively participating in training programs.
  • Outcome: Within two years, moved to position 11 by developing essential skills and demonstrating higher commitment, now working on impactful projects.

Example 3: The Expert’s Transition

  • Starting Point: An experienced professional started at position 6 with high skills but low commitment due to a demanding full-time job elsewhere.
  • Challenge: Found it difficult to contribute effectively with limited hours.
  • Action: Decided to reduce hours at the full-time job and devote more time to BoardX, focusing on high-impact projects.
  • Outcome: Within a year, transitioned to position 3, making substantial contributions and taking on a leadership role in project development.


The BoardX Contributors Growth Model and Path is a dynamic framework designed to nurture talent and drive the startup’s success. By aligning contributors’ skills and commitment with BoardX’s strategic objectives, this model ensures that both the company and its contributors grow symbiotically, paving the way for a thriving future in the AI-driven world of work.

Yanbin(Usam) Shen

Yanbin(Usam) Shen

Co-create a new way for future of work and education