BoardX DTDT Workshop Process

What is A DTDT Workshop? Read the Article Below.

BoardX DTDT Workshop
Introduction: The BoardX Digital Transformation and Design Thinking (DTDT) Workshop is an innovative and immersive program designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to solve real-world problems through digital collaboration and design thinking. Utilizing the BoardX platf…

    1. Expert Interviews - Gain insights from people with deep knowledge of the subject.
    2. Secondary Research - Collect existing data and information to build upon.
    3. Stakeholder Map - Identify all the stakeholders involved in or affected by the project.
    4. Journey Map - Visualize a user’s experience from start to finish.

    1. Contextual Interview - Conduct interviews in the user’s environment.
    2. Shadowing - Follow users to observe their actions and behaviors.
    3. Photo Journal - Have users document their experiences visually.
    4. Guided Tour - Allow users to show you around and explain their environment and routines.
    1. Affinity Diagrams - Organize ideas and data into themes and patterns.
    2. POEMS Framework - Analyze People, Objects, Environments, Messages, and Services.
    3. Empathy Map - Capture and understand the user’s feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.
    4. Insight Statements - Summarize key insights derived from observation and research.

    1. Brainstorming - Generate a wide range of ideas quickly.
    2. How Might We Questions - Frame challenges as opportunities.
    3. Mind Mapping - Organize and visually represent ideas.
    4. Crazy 8’s - Rapidly sketch eight ideas in eight minutes.

    1. Sketching - Create quick, simple drawings to explore ideas.
    2. Experience Prototype - Simulate the experience of a service or product.
    3. Role-Playing - Act out scenarios to understand how users might interact with your solution.
    4. Video Prototyping - Create short videos to demonstrate ideas and gather feedback.

    1. User Testing - Gather feedback from real users interacting with your prototype.
    2. Think-Aloud Testing - Have users verbalize their thoughts while using the prototype.
    3. Surveys - Collect quantitative data from a larger audience.
    4. Feedback Capture Grid - Organize feedback into categories like positives, negatives, questions, and ideas.