BoardX 0.2.1 Release Notes

We're excited to announce that BoardX 0.2.1 has been taggged and released on 2022-08-27 with following important features added, improvements and bug fixes:

  • 🎉 New menu bar UI by mingxuan
  • 🚀 Onboard UI improvement by ziwei
  • 🛠️ Fixes “Arrow on stickynote made an error while undo” by mingxuan
  • 🛠️ Fixes “Cannot see other users cursor when in collaboration” by mingxuan
  • 🛠️ Fixes “Recent page cannot get username” by martin
  • 🛠️ Fixes “Text width change can’t undo/redo” by xunjie
  • 🛠️ Fixes “Text width error for the copied outside text content” by xunjie
  • 🛠️ Fixes “AI widget menu can’t be clicked when at the edge” by xunjie
  • 🛠️ Fixes “Copy content from Text to sticky note crash the board” by xunjie

Try the new changes by visiting

New Menu Bar UI

In the new version, the sticky note is a dynamic icon according to the current selected colors and shapes instead of the previous fixed gray one.

And now you can drag a sticky note from menu bar and drop it to the target place to create a new stickynote on the board directly.

Improvements and Bug Fixes

Besides menu bar feature above, we also have improvements and bug fixes to improve the stability of product.

We fixed some UI issues in the onboarding process and our learning center to provide a better onboarding experience. Another notabe thing is that we fixed several existing bugs related to “text” widget and make sure text widget is more friendly to use.

In the next few versions during the entire Q3, we’ll continue focusing on the stability improvement and bug fixes to guarantee the basic product experience foundation.